Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Secret To Looking Attractive and Healthy

Do you know that the key to looking attractive and healthy? Actually is very simple, just get a good night sleep.

A group of researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden reported that they have uncovered the first scientific backing for the concept of "beauty sleep" after conducted the research on a group of adults.

23 healthy and non-smoking adults aged 18 to 31 were recruited for the sleep experiment. No alcohol was allowed for two days prior to the experiment.

The participants were photographed after eight hours of sleep, and then again after a period of sleep deprivation (31 hours of being continuously awake after a short night's sleep).

The photographs were standardised in the way that the people were the same distance from the camera, wore no make-up and wore the same expression. The photos were then presented in a random order to 65 untrained observers, who ranked the participants on a scale according to their healthy, attractive or sleep-deprived looks.

The results indicated that those who were sleep-deprived were rated as less healthy (typically scoring 63 versus 68 after a full night's sleep). In addition, they also seen as more tired and less attractive.

The researchers concluded on their findings in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) that the sleep-deprived people appear less healthy, less attractive, and more tired compared with when they are well rested.

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